Legacy rumors have been found revealing the secret facilities and competitions of the LT Swim Team.
Rumors of these teams have existed for years, but were only confirmed at a recent clandestine meeting with involved parents.
No one will go on record to discuss this for fear of endangering the program.
NOTE: The District's Naming Rights policy #707.2, mentions the Swimming Pool.
Is any more proof needed?
But, as you can see, the Freestyle Relay and other teams are doing incredible work.
Yearly trips to exotic locales have been fully self-funded by auctions of winning trophies. That is
the reason none are on public display with the other sports memorabilia.
Inspired by the performance of other teams, a new Synchronized Swim team is in development We wish them all the luck of their fellow swimmers!
Below are links to some de-classified YouTube videos of LT teams' performances.
They are for your personal enjoyment, but please do not reveal the secret team
information to anyone!
In case the
intended humor of this page is too dry, please enjoy this information in the
spirit of jest intended. The only Swim Team here is in one's dreams.
Secret Sub-Gymnasium School Pool

Synchronized Team Try-outs

2 versions of Team Shirts! |