Standing Committee Chair Assignments, Senate and House
of Representatives, 2015-16 Legislative Session
Senate Standing Committee Chair Assignments:

(Republican chair listed first, followed by the Democratic
Aging & Youth: Sen. Michele Brooks (R-Mercer);
Sen. Art Haywood (D-Montgomery)
Agriculture & Rural Affairs: Sen. Elder Vogel
(R-Beaver); Sen. Judy Schwank (D-Berks)
Appropriations: Sen. Pat Browne (R-Lehigh) Sen.
Vincent Hughes (D-Philadelphia)
Banking & Insurance: Sen. Don White (R-Indiana);
Sen. Matt Smith (D-Allegheny)
Communications & Technology: Sen. Scott
Hutchinson (R-Venango); Sen. Farnese (D-Philadelphia)
Community, Economic & Recreational Development:
Sen. Kim Ward (R-Westmoreland); Sen. Sean Wiley (D-Erie)
Consumer Protection & Professional Licensure:
Sen. Robert Tomlinson (R-Bucks); Sen. Lisa Boscola (D-Northampton)
Education: Sen.Lloyd Smucker (R-Lancaster); Sen.
Andrew Dinniman (D-Chester)
Environmental Resources & Energy: Sen. Gene Yaw
(R-Lycoming); Sen. John Yudichak (D-Luzerne)
Finance: Sen. John Eichelberger (R-Blair); Sen.
John Blake (D-Lackawanna)
Game & Fisheries: Sen. Mario Scavello
(R-Monroe); Sen. Jim Brewster (D-Allegheny)
Intergovernmental Operations: Sen. Ryan Aument
(R-Lancaster); Sen. Sean Wiley (D-Erie)
Judiciary: Sen. Stewart Greenleaf
(R-Montgomery); Sen. Daylin Leach (D-Montgomery)
Labor & Industry: Sen. Lisa Baker (R-Luzerne);
Sen. Tina Tartaglione (D-Philadelphia)
Law & Justice: Sen. Charles McIlhinney
(R-Bucks); Sen. Jim Brewster (D-Allegheny)
Local Government: Sen. Dominic Pileggi
(R-Delaware); Sen. Rob Teplitz (D-Dauphin)
Public Health & Welfare: Sen. Patricia Vance
(R-Cumberland); Sen. Shirley Kitchen (D-Philadelphia)
Rules & Executive Nominations: Sen. Jake Corman
(R-Centre); Sen. Jay Costa (D-Allegheny)
State Government: Sen. Mike Folmer (R-Lebanon);
Sen. Anthony Williams (D-Philadelphia)
Transportation: Sen. John Rafferty
(R-Montgomery); Sen. John Wozniak (D-Cambria)
Urban Affairs & Housing: Sen. Scott Wagner
(R-York); Sen. Wayne Fontana (D-Allegheny)
Veterans Affairs & Emergency Preparedness: Sen.
Randy Vulakovich (R-Allegheny); Sen. Jay Costa (D-Allegheny)
House Standing Committee Chair Assignments:
(Republican chair listed first, followed by the Democratic
Aging and Older Adult Services: Rep. Tim
Hennessey (R-Chester); Rep. Steve Samuelson D-Northampton)
Agriculture and Rural Affairs: Rep. Martin
Causer (R-McKean); Rep. John P. Sabatina (D- Philadelphia)
Children and Youth: Rep. Kathy Watson (R-Bucks);
Rep. Louise Bishop (D-Philadelphia)
Commerce: Rep. Adam Harris (R-Juniata); Rep. W.
Curtis Thomas (D-Philadelphia)
Consumer Affairs: Rep. Robert Godshall
(R-Montgomery); Rep. Peter J. Daley (D-Washington)
Education: Rep. Stan Saylor (R-York); Rep. James
Roebuck (D-Philadelphia)
Environmental Resources and Energy: Rep. John
Maher (R-Allegheny); Rep. Greg Vitali (D- Delaware)
Finance: Rep. Bernie O’Neill (R-Bucks); Rep.
Jake Wheatley (D-Allegheny)
Game and Fisheries: Rep. Keith Gillespie
(R-York); Rep. Ted Harhai (D-Westmoreland)
Gaming Oversight: Rep. John Payne (R-Dauphin);
Rep. Nick Kotik (D-Allegheny)
Health: Rep. Matt Baker (R-Tioga); Rep. Florindo
Fabrizio (D-Erie)
Human Services: Rep. Gene DiGirolamo (R-Bucks);
Rep. Angel Cruz (D-Philadelphia)
Insurance: Rep. Tina Pickett (R-Bradford); Rep.
Tony DeLuca (D-Allegheny)
Judiciary: Rep. Ron Marsico (R-Dauphin); Rep.
Joseph A. Petrarca (D-Westmoreland)
Labor and Industry: Rep. Mauree Gingrich
(R-Lebanon); Rep. Marc J. Gergely (D-Allegheny)
Liquor Control: Rep. Chris Ross (R-Chester);
Rep. Paul Costa (D-Allegheny)
Local Government: Rep. Kate Harper
(R-Montgomery); Rep. Bob Freeman (D-Northampton)
Professional Licensure: Rep. Julie Harhart
(R-Northampton); Rep. Harry Readshaw (D-Allegheny)
State Government: Rep. Daryl Metcalfe
(R-Butler); Rep. Mark Cohen (D-Philadelphia)
Tourism and Recreational Development: Rep. Dave
Hickernell (R-Lancaster); Rep. Thaddeus Kirkland (D-Delaware)
Transportation: Rep. John Taylor
(R-Philadelphia); Rep. William F. Keller (D-Philadelphia)
Urban Affairs: Rep. Scott Petri (R-Bucks); Rep.
Thomas R. Caltagirone (D-Berks)
Veterans Affairs and Emergency Preparedness:
Rep. Stephen E. Barrar (R-Delaware); Rep. Christopher Sainato