Meetings are scheduled the third
week of EVERY month @ 7pm in the H.S Choral room

Fund Raising Efforts
The Garvers at
Conifer Corner are expanding the
FOM Fundraiser:
SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL BUSINESS AND the MUSIC Students at Lackawanna Trail
JR/SR High School:
Anyone who purchases a Holiday Wreath or Centerpiece this season from
CONIFER CORNER will be given
Credit into the student account or the General Account of LTHS Music
Account (FOM)
Just tell the Garvers to credit the music student of your choice, or the
General Account for Friends of Music.
Conifer Corner is located on RTE 6
about 1 mile West of the HOAGIE HUT
Annual Music Department Fundraiser is under way! Choice of
Rinehimer or Mr. Dikeman with orders. Orders and payment due
Tuesday, September 23, 2014, delivery
will be the week of October 20. Checks payable to LTFOM.
Click either image for more details and order forms
for those products.
2014 Football Stand Cleanup August 12

On August 11, 2014, the LTSD board approved the appointment of Miss
Jenna Alderman as the new music teacher at the Elementary Center.
For a short bio on this new teacher, [click here]
Fund Raising Efforts
Annual Music Department Pie & Coffee Fundraiser is under way! Choice of
fruit and cream pies, pumpkin roll, coffees, and smoothies just in time
for the holidays!! See a music student or director for more
information! Orders and payment due November 5, 2013, delivery
will be the week of November 25. There are three catalogs to
[click for more details]
[click for more details]
[click for more details]
District 9 Chorus Competition News: Congratulations to Devon Clarke, Rachel Clark, Kristen Miller, Allison Stuenzi, Alyssa Walker, and Seth Williams
for making District 9 Chorus 2013!
Trail Marching Lions
Capture SILVER!!! (9th place) at the Hershey Atlantic Tournament of Bands Competition on Sunday November 4, 2012.
Marching Lions & Other Musical Events Schedule [more]

Lions Roar Festival of Bands – Parent Info
Patron Support Form

Project raised $3,400 for Music

Friends of Music
Bylaws Revised April 2011
Learn and proudly sing along to our Alma Mater

2012 Trail Stars at Region 4 Band Festival 2/25/2012

Hidden above are LTHS stars ~ Gary Weidner, Richard Pollock,
Garrett Craig-Lucas, Kyle Holmes, Cecilia Strauch
2012 Trail Stars at District 9 Orchestra Festival 2/10/2012

Hidden above are LTHS stars ~ Devon Clarke, Matthew Huertas,
Cecilia Strauch, Jesse Morvan

2012 Fall Schedule [more]
Some 2013 Friends of Music Fund Raisers (more)
On Monday
August 15th
FOM had a quorum and elected the new slate of officers
for the 2011-2012 school year. This item has been stalled since
The May meeting was canceled and the June and July meetings failed to meet quorum.
The new officers are
Katie Bower
as President,
Jackie Mattes
as V.P.,
as treasurer and
Cathy Rist
as Secretary
Fund Raising Activity
A new program has been instituted to use
It links many of your daily purchases, including your SureSave grocery card to the Lackawanna Trail FOM. These merchants will make a donation (at their cost, not
yours) based on your purchases to the FOM. It's easy to register for .
(click here). Once there, you register for the Lackawanna Trail FOM (look under group names). Then we get deposits. This may be the easiest fundraiser we have
ever found and it does not reduce your savings or any other benefits you have with the merchants.
[Get the handy reminder form here]
Hoagie Sale
from Rays
delivery on NOV 11.
Please deliver the orders to Mrs. Brown at the H.S. by FRIDAY Nov 4.
Other Fund
for the 2011-2012 school year
New Brochure – “Made in Pennsylvania”
Kick off – October 17,
Orders turned in – October 31
Delivery estimated – in time for Thanksgiving,
Brochure – Pies and Coffee
Slices of Heaven ( same as previous years)
Boston’s Best Coffee (same as previous years)
Kick off ??,
Orders turned in ??,
Delivery estimated week after Thanksgiving,
Brochure - Holiday Wreaths
Kick off – January 9,
Orders turned in – January 23,
Delivery estimated – week of
February 14,
Brochure – Cookie Dough and Pretzels
David’s Cookies (same as previous years)
Auntie Anne’s (same as previous years)
February 18
Spaghetti Dinner in conjunction with drama production
Kick off ??
Orders turned in ??
Delivery estimated in time for Mother’s Day,
Brochure – Mountain Home Candles
Hoagie Sales
Football Concession Stand
Volunteers are needed for Football Concession Stand on home game weeks.
All music students are asked to help with this fundraising project.
Proceeds benefit EVERY music student, not only the Marching Band
students. Please contact an FOM officer to volunteer your time or
your cooking skills!!
Band YouTube videos:

For your convenience, here is a
quick link to the Marching Band
and a quick link to the latest Color/Winter Guard pages
and another quick link to some old Music Department (reference) information
Be sure to sing
along to the tune "The Hills are alive with the Friends of Music"
OLD, historical flier found lying around the halls of the school
[severely outdated, but the best available]
