Welcome Parents!

Welcome to our Classroom Website! I am very happy to be your child's second grade teacher. This is going to be an exciting year for all of us, as we get to know each other and spend a year together learning and exploring new things. I am in full anticipation and deeply grateful to have the opportunity to work with all of you and your children!

Our School
Parent Involvement
Classroom Tour
Daily Schedule
Curriculum Outline
Second Grade Newsletter
Meet Mrs. Naylor
Ideas for other teachers

One of the reasons I chose a "hands in" image to represent the Parent Link on our Classroom Website is because I believe the parent-teacher relationship is similar to that of a team. Just as teams often work together closely to achieve a common goal or purpose, we too will be actively working together towards the growth and succes of your child. I plan to use this Website along with classroom newsletters, letters sent home, parent-teacher conferences, emails, and/or phone calls to keep you informed and updated with your child's progress in second grade. My door is always open to you and all comments and questions are welcome as well.





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